Saturday, April 12, 2014

Must Love Dogs?

There is a meme that has gone around Facebook a few hundred times that says "I don't trust a person that doesn't like dogs, but I trust a dog that doesn't like people" (and other variations).
You hear vets, pet shop owners and workers, professional dog walkers, dog owners, and others talk about how wonderful these fuzzy four-legged creatures are and who wouldn't love a dog? Everyone loves dogs. You have to love dogs.

But what if you don't love dogs? What if there are people out there that genuinely do not like your, or any other, fuzzy four-legged companions? What if? Now, I'm not talking about cat owners who say they aren't really dog people, but they still love dogs. I mean straight up, couldn't be clearer, I DON'T LIKE DOGS people. How could people like that possibly walk this earth? Do they actually exist?

YES. They do exist. And I am one of them.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate that people love dogs. I can looks at pictures of little puppies and think of it as an adorable little puffball. I mourn for friends that lose their beloved four-legged family member. And I would never wish harm upon a dog. But I don't like dogs.

I don't like barking, licking, sniffing, being rubbed up against, or being jumped on.

I also don't like the fear that comes along with some of those actions. Yes, fear. I'm not afraid of all dogs. But I am afraid of some dogs. Certain breeds and actions can cause me paralyzing and tear-inducing fear. Irrational fears, perhaps. But fear all the same. Telling me, or people like me, how friendly your dog is does nothing to alleviate that fear. Please think about that when your "happy" pet is bounding down the sidewalk coming my direction. Please think about that when your "friendly" dog is trying to show me how friendly they really are by jumping on me or sniffing me. They say dogs smell fear. If that's the case, fear is the only thing they will be able to smell until I am safely out of range.

But do you know what's almost worse than the fear? The reaction I get if I say "I don't like dogs." That single phrase gives me looks of shock. It gives me looks of disappointment. It gives me looks of confusion. It gives me looks as if I've just kicked their dog in the head (that is the worst because I would NEVER cause harm to an animal unless it was a matter of life or death for me or a loved one).

I don't get it.

I don't hate your dog. I don't hate dogs in general. I don't want or need you to defend your dog to me. They just aren't my thing. It's as easy as that. I don't like chocolate either. And while that still generates a strong reaction, it's nowhere near the negative feedback I get from not liking dogs.
I love Depeche Mode. But if someone says they don't, I don't look down on them. It's a matter of taste, and we all have people, things, foods, beverages, and more that we either like or don't. It doesn't make anyone a bad person if they don't like something someone else does. It just makes us human.

There you have it.

Thank you for reading.